Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tomorrow is the day!

Tomorrow.....we get pregnant!   Those words can't be said by many, but it's kinda nice knowing when I have to stop eating and drinking certain things!  We know that while we are transferring two embryos there is a chance they won't implant..but we aren't focusing on that.  Too many months of negative thoughts and negative pregnant tests.

I celebrated my last un-preggo day with a March of Dimes walk with my dear friend and her family. She is one of the strongest people I know, and her family is one that I can't help but treasure.   The rain and cold were not the best for walking, but the talking and company were. And honestly what more could I ask for?!  Made that 3.5 miles go by fast! I think I'm going to need to get back into that routine of walking for exercise. Who wants to walk and talk?

I decided mid morning that I needed to have wine and cheese tonight.  So off one of my bests went to a cute little place near her.  So cute!!  It had wines, craft beers, big selection of cheeses and some other yummy items. I had a blast drinking my Moscato, eating cheese and of course having an amazing convo with her.

Paul had been at a volleyball tournament all day but he was home when I got home. It was time to ice the cheek and get that progesterone  oil shot! Then a little bit of Pretty Little Liars.
Be on the look out tomorrow for a blog about the transfer and more information as we move forward in our journey. Also of everyone could say an extra prayer for us that would be great!

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