Thursday, April 23, 2015

We Are in This Together

We Are in This Together

So did you know this week in National Infertility Awareness Week??  Yeah, I didn't either until about 20 minutes ago.  My good friend just told me.  And her hash tag is priceless.... #partoftheproblem   For anyone who has ever had issues with a pregnancy or getting pregnant, why is there the feeling of shame?  

Okay, I for sure agree with the 'painful feeling' part.  Ooooo and the 'fact or circumstance' part.  But I know for sure that Paul and I have not done anything dishonorable (alright with someone before you get married is not dishonorable, even my parents were on board so get over it!), improper or ridiculous to cause us infertility.  It's just a fact. 

We are 1 of the 8.  There I said it...we are part of the group.  Believe it or not, we now know lots of people who are in this group. But most of these people haven't shared with the world...or even their friends, some haven't even shared with their families. This makes me so sad.  We have had such amazing support from friends, family and even strangers.  Take it from this girl, when you are feeling lost, upset and depressed about this situation, support is what you need even if you don't know it!  If you feel like I am talking to you and you don't feel like you have that person to talk to, please email me.  I would love to help you through your pain, confusion, frustration, etc. 

Now let's go back to that hashtag #partoftheproblem.  We have have covered shame, but there is also this feeling of hush hush. Like its a bad thing to talk about infertility.  First of all its not bad, you can't catch it.  Now I will tell you, I am not the norm (duh!) Most people aren't as open as me.  Here are some great tips for talking about infertility. Things to say and not to say A lot of people aren't comfortable sharing their story,and I totally get it, really I do.  But so far the best tip given to me was to write it down!  So if blogging is not your thing, go buy yourself a journal and a fancy pen, and start writing...start wherever you want. You can always back track in your writing. 

Here is the bottom line of today's post, no matter how alone you feel, you aren't alone. Everyone's journey is different.  In fact, I have yet to talk to one couple who has the same issue as us. But those of us on this journey get the feelings you are having.  

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