Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bundle of.....Part 2

Bundle of.....Part 2

This morning was frustrating for sure.  And I did shed some tears.  But it was nothing compared to my afternoon.  My team of two nurses and the doctor at one point surrounding me and giving me a pep talk..I am super lucky!  I went to school to try to get some work done, some got done, some did not.  Came home around 2 because I didn't want the medicines sitting out in the hot warm sun.  

 Of course when I came home there were no medicines.  I decided to give it some time...sometimes UPS and Fedex come later in the day. So it's almost 3pm...I figure I better call the pharmacy in Miami....thats where the day just goes all downhill!  After a call, and hour of waiting for someone to call me back, a call and an email to my IVF team and then me calling back to the pharmacy....they didn't send my medicines!  You know the ones I am supposed to take tomorrow!!!

I reamed out one lady and then her supervisor...language was flying, accusations, tears, all came out.  I am not sorry for any of my words or actions.  Their job was to send me my medications and they drastically failed.  According to their notes, I, the patient was supposed to ask my dr. for approval on medications....UMMMMM, really?! In all my years of dealing with pharmacies and drs.....drs send the pharmacy a prescription and they fill it.  Forget the fact that when I talked to them over a week ago..maybe even two weeks ago, no one told me it was my job to do their job.  We left it as, my meds would be here the 9th.  So apparently, my meds will be shipped out and I should get them tomorrow.  Guess what happens when they aren't here??  Yup I get to call back and talk to my favorite lying supervisor of the pharmacy...aren't you glad you don't have to be her!!  

The other heartbreaking news is that my hormone level is too elevated (shocked aren't you??) to start the medications, that are still in a warehouse in FL.  So I have to have another blood test done on Saturday morning...which would be no big deal, but I was supposed to be out of town with a friend.  

Okay so let's review: 
  1. Someone didn't do their job and I have no medications.
  2. That cyst is making my hormone levels too high to do medications.
  3. I let down one of my favorite people in the whole world.
Another dear friend sent me this and it explains so much of today, I just had to share!

So what happens next?  Well we have two options. On Saturday they will do more blood work.
  • The levels are still high, then they will trigger shot me, and my period will start in about 2 weeks. Then we will start with the medications right away. (this is not a speed bump, this is a flipping road block with a detour involved)
  • The levels have lowered, then I will start the medications on Saturday. (this would be a speed bump)
Thank you for reading, sending positive thoughts, prayers and funny pictures.  Please continue to do all the above!!