Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Day of Bed Rest

A Day of Bed Rest

This morning we arrived on time at 6:15 and after about 15 minutes of waiting we were able to move from the waiting room to the pre-op room. Here is a stellar picture of me  you can't see my awesome booties in this picture but just imagine them...
A nurse came in and went through the process with us and also had me initial some parts of a form that said we were going to freeze any left over embryos and that we want them to place a sperm in the egg itself.

Even though I wasn't allowed to drink or eat after midnight last night, I still had the nervous pees.  You know what I am talking about!  You know your bladder is empty but you have this incredibly sensation to pee. So I went and while only a trickle came out, I realized....(okay here is where we get personal,  hold on to your hats!) I am officially constipated. I know, I'm so fancy!  I'm also nervous to say anything to the nursing staff....so I tell Paul in a whisper.

Then enters in Stephanie!! I love this lady, I so want to be her friend when this is all over!  She comes in, arms wide open and gives me such a big hug!  I needed that hug, it was like all my friends and family who couldn't be there bundled up in one simple hug. She   then asks if we have questions, and she knows me so well..specifically asks about certain side effects. Then I feel like I can speak up about the big C!  She tells me it's totally normal, the ovaries are growing and taking up all this room and then there isn't room for the other stuff. She suggest miralax. ..I tell Paul to write that down!  We also asked her about hyper stimulation, OHSS.  She looks up my estrogen levels from yesterday. They are in the upper 2,000, high by not worrisome. She says if we were at 5,000 she would call off our transfer, or if when they went in they took out over 20 eggs. So all signs are positive for not having OHSS!

Dr. Katz comes in to say good morning and answer any questions we have.  What a great guy!  This man has no idea how much we love him!  Then enters Mary Ann, the anesthesiologist.  With my breakfast of fluids in her hand. She is asking some normal questions about medicine reactions and if I'm able to climb a flight of stairs. Normal things right... I've never been put under before. So I'm a bit nervous. She did a good job inserting the needle. My veins have been a pain in the butt, but she did well and taped it into place so nothing would move of it. Then it's nervous pee time again!! 

Mary Ann and I walk to the operating room and into the sterile room, wow lots of people in there!   Not sure who all was in there besides Dr. Katz and Mary Ann but I did meet our embryologist!  She will be the one taking care of our babies until they go back in my oven. I think I love this woman too! 
The table for this procedure is different than I can even describe. I laid on my back and placed my calves in holders. So they are above my head level and spread wide open. They strapped me in...I guess no one wants to get stuck in there...LOL. (yup I just cracked myself up!)  This is not me...just a picture to show the chair
Mary Ann tells me that they are raising the table, the ceiling isn't falling down, and that she is adding the medication so that I will start to feel it in 15 seconds.  Yeah, I didn't make it that long. I woke up back in my pre-op room apparently mumbling and talking about what I remembered. I gave Paul a good laugh. I had serious cotton mouth and Paul gave me some water from a bottle we had brought in.

I was nice and cozy with a heating pad. They wanted me to start moving but I was comfy.  Not sure how long I stayed there but eventually I got to the chair and sat for awhile. Then Paul helped me get dressed and out we went. I wasn't as hungry as I thought I would be but we did stop at dunking donuts. Bagel/butter and water for this girl. It did not taste as good as I thought it would, cotton mouth had traveled to throat.

Once home, mom met us and I had a team of babysitters all day!  Momma and the baby girls took great care of me. We all thought I would sleep more than I did. We watched some movies and talked. Nothing super exciting. My most exciting things were getting up to go pee, and this time not nervous pee, it was the real deal! 

So here is what you really want to know:Updated!! They really were able to get out 14 eggs, but 12 of them were mature and made it through the night!  they got 12 eggs!! Wahoo that's a great number:)  My pain level isn't as bad as I thought it would be  especially earlier on today. Later in the afternoon and this evening I am DE having pain in the stomach, and ovaries. I am sticking with heating pad and Tylenol. So far so good.
Next steps: another day of rest, so I can be all gang busters on Thursday for my first graders:)  Tomorrow and Friday we will get phone calls to let us know how our sweet embryos are doing. Sunday is our transfer day!! Paul is really excited about this day...he will able to come back in the operating room and be present when these babies come to be in me. Just in case you can't tell, we are excited to be on this journey together.

Thank you to all of those who reached out today. It put a smile in my face every time my phone went off. We love you all! 

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