Thursday, April 9, 2015

A bundle of emotions

A Bundle of Emotions

Today was supposed to be an exciting one with an easy blood work and ultrasound check. But instead I woke up to what looked like the beginning of my period. UUUGGGHHH! Last cycle was 40 days and this one is 21?? Really?!  I'm not even supposed to be getting a period during this time frame. 

pronunciacion en ingles y sus 2 principales problemas

So, I email Stephanie as I am freaking out. If you are just joining us, here is a post about our amazing Stephanie. And of course she has emailed me back before I even get out of the shower. She is so wonderful!  She told me not to worry (think she knows me?) And to come in and we would proceed as planned. 
Apparently bleeding can occur after stopping the birth control. Makes sense right, people take birth control to regulate cycles. With this being my body's first experience to birth control I am sure it was very confused!  During the two weeks of taking birth control, I noticed more emotions in the beginning and also after stopping it. I also had some breakouts around my chin, on cheeks and in cleavage area.
Because I'm still on spring break I decided to sleep in a bit...big mistake!  the traffic was horrible. No accidents that I ever saw just lots of people on the road. Glad I don't have this commute every day, but if I did I would be leaving early!  Blood work went well and then I found out I was supposed to be here before 8:30...I was super late. I had to wait around a bit for Dr. Katz to be available, but that's not an issue I just worked on this blog post!

During the ultrasound he found a cyst. Darn those birth control pills!!  So the cyst could be producing estrogen.  If it is we will have to wait for it to stop before we can proceed with the next phase. We will know this afternoon when they call me back with the blood work results. Dr. Katz calls this a speed bump..which he is totally right, and the rational side of me totally gets this and the reasoning and the process.  The emotional side of me who has been trying to get pregnant for over a year just takes control of it all.  
So to all my fellow couples who have been trying and trying and getting upset every month when you find out you are not pregnant..I totally understand!  We may not have tried for years and years, but any amount of time of waiting and trying and waiting some more is just heart breaking. Maybe you have a doctor who isn't listening to you and tells you to just keep trying....GO FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR!  LoL, I only advise that because had it not been for my incredibly listening doctors I would have had to wait much longer.  

Praying and consuming myself with work until I hear about my blood work results!


  1. Best of luck!! I hope this is the only "speed bump" for you! I experienced quite a few along the way, but as you said having a wonderful nurse, doctor and support system helps! Pretty soon this will all be a thing of the past! Prayers!
