Sunday, April 19, 2015

Roller Coaster Weekend

Roller Coaster Weekend

I had all intentions in writing a blog Friday and Saturday and today...but as you can see that did not settle in and prepare yourself for a decently long blog :)

On Friday I left school with lesson plans for Monday and Tuesday planned for a substitute.  We didn't know if Monday would be our Egg Retrieval (ER) day, but we knew it could be.  A lot of my co-workers  wished me luck.  You have no idea how much that means to me, just knowing that y'all in my corner and rooting us on just makes my heart smile.  This has been a super stressful time and the support really helps.  I want to take a moment and let all of you know....I wear my heart on my sleeve and you and I may not have spoken about this issue personally, but I am sharing our story very publicly and I assume people are reading...LOL. The whole point being, if you see me and want to talk or ask questions, don't feel creepy or awkward about it!  I enjoy sharing our story and informing people on this usually closed and private situation.

Saturday I went in for blood work and ultrasound.  The cool part about this was it was my doctor on call!  So I got to see Dr. Katz and he was very happy with my eggs.  I had a bunch of eggs measuring at!  They have grown so much since Wednesday.  He said I was probably ready for ER on Monday, but he needed to see my blood work before knowing for sure.  They called me Saturday am and said that I needed to continue with medicines minus one pill.  And more blood work on Sunday. (this isn't my ultrasound, but mine was similar)

Fast forward to today!!  I went in for more blood work and an ultrasound...those eggs grew to about 29mm!  Holy moly...this drugs are really working. (this weekend I have noticed some small side effects of nausea and bloating/gas)  They really only count the large eggs.  So Dr. Katz counted about 12 large eggs.  However he did say that just because its large, that doesn't mean that the smaller eggs wont produce a good embryo.  He seemed really confident that I was ready to go for my trigger shot. 

 I waited all morning and this afternoon with no call.  However they did call when I was in the movies...I was ready with notebook in hand! One oral pill at night, two of my regular shots (one with lower dosage) and two new shots.  These new shots are to trigger the ovulation. One shot was prefilled and ready to go....soo nice.  However the second wasn't so easy.  We have several resident nurses as neighbors.  We went calling on one of our neighbors. She rocked!  Not only did she keep calm during my frantic explaining and questioning and being a tad crazy, but she also helped explain why certain things were the way they were. So thank you Mrs. Claus!!  We love you! 

Here is what all this means....Tuesday morning is ER day!!!  We need to be there at 6:15 am and my actual ER is at 7:15 am. I am very excited.  This weekend was a roller coaster because there are lots of moving parts and I am not in charge of all of them.  Apparently I am a bit of a control freak and can not handle when others don't do their jobs. (here is where you act surprised.) As of right now, we are in a great place and feeling great. Hopefully the super stressful things are in the past now. 

I would not be able to end this blog without a huge shout out to my husband, my one and only, Paul!  He has been amazing throughout this whole process.  Today he brought me to tears when talking to his brother and his sister in law.  He was telling them how amazed he was at me, going through all the shots, the testing, the side effects, etc.  I was just in awe (and a little embarrassed) that he said all that.  I never thought of his perspective on everything I was going through.  I really do have the best husband...sorry ladies :)

1 comment:

  1. You are both amazing! All thru this process you are working together and coming together more and more. Just what long term commitment and parenting are all about!! Love you two, each and together.
