Friday, April 10, 2015

Medicines Finally Arrived

Medicines Finally Arrived

Last night was not my finest moment. I am usually very kind and understanding when dealing with customer service reps. I still stand with my earlier comment, I do not regret my words or actions. The woman lied to me, didn't send tracking information like she said she would and never once offered to make it up to me. I am in sales myself and whenever there is an issue, not only do I try to make it right but I also send them something to try to make it right.

The woman told me my package would arrive this am at 10:30. So I could still have gone out of town with my friend.  But because of my emotions and having  no trust that my meds would get here and having to do blood work tomorrow am, I chose not to go. I'm not happy I didn't go, but am glad that I didn't hold my friend back.  My meds didn't get here till about 1:30pm. Three hours later...but here none the less.

All meds are here and accounted for..lots of needles of all different shapes and sizes. I have been able to sort the needles with the correct medicines. Everything is in the fridge and ready to go, hopefully for tomorrow! 

Here is a picture that an amazing friend sent me....thinking I should be posting this on my door:)


  1. Big sigh of relief! Hoping and hoping that we get to do another sigh tomorrow! One step at a time has been my mantra for a while and it continues! Whoever is sending you these great cartoon things, I love them! And you n Paul, too, of course!

  2. Big sigh of relief! Hoping and hoping that we get to do another sigh tomorrow! One step at a time has been my mantra for a while and it continues! Whoever is sending you these great cartoon things, I love them! And you n Paul, too, of course!
