Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Very Overdue Post

One would think that with three days of bed rest I would have found the time to blog about the transfer itself.  Well....several friends mentioned that I watch Pretty Little Liars...and I got sucked in.  I haven't finished season 4 yet, but it's safe to say that Paul and I both are addicted.  He looked up A though....I am still guessing and questioning.You probably are thinking...enough about PLL!! Lets get to the transfer. 

Paul and I were both pretty anxious Sunday morning so we got to REACH about 20 minutes early.  I had some blood work done  and then we sat in the waiting room which felt like forever.  I had to go in with a full bladder.  Now as a teacher I only know two kinds of bladder--empty or full.  They needed a semi-full bladder so they can see exactly where to place the embryos.  I dont know how to make it only semi-full, so a Gatorade and ICE water later.....I am trying to think of dry desserts! The nurse offered to let me tinkle a little, but I told her it was all or nothing, so I had to wait.....It was it's own kind of torture.

Once Dr. Katz arrived he came in to our pre-op room talked to us about our embryos. We had 11 make it to day 5, and they were implanting two.  Oh my goodness, when he showed them to us, I about cried.  Today's medication was only Valium, nothing too strong.  One of our embryos had already 'hatched' and was in the       stage.  The other embryo was in      stage.

Paul was so excited about going back into the room with us and he had to wear his own little get up.  I have pictures, but I'm only allowed to use for blackmail purposes...I am going to save them for midnight cravings! Today's medical team was much smaller, nurse (Esther), Dr. Katz and the embryologist(Jennifer).  She came in and told us basically the same thing Dr. Katz had told us. Then when I got set up on the crazy table again, she went back to my containers.  We actually watched on a TV screen as she sucked up our embryos in a incredibly cool.   Then she came in, handed to Dr. Katz and in he placed them.  

All three were amazed at my full bladder, and when Esther pressed down with the ultrasound, no lie I was so afraid I was going to pee!  Dr. Katz offered to drain my bladder catheter style....but that sounded painful, I told him I could hold it another 30 minutes. I scooted off the table and on to my stretcher and Esther and Dr. Katz wheeled me back to the pre-op room.  I thought the first hour plus was bad....oh the last 30 minutes was torture.  If you were one of the lucky ones to be texting me Sunday morning....I am sorry but thank you for keeping my mind off my bladder! 

We were the only ones with a procedure Sunday morning and on the floor, so once Esther said I could go pee, I ran down the hall, gown flapping open in the back!  Girl did not care....I am pretty sure I peed for a good 4 minutes.  

Instructions were pretty simple, no alcohol, caffeine or smoking.  Also no stairs for 24 hours and bed rest after that.  Paul took those literal. I barely was able to get up and pee.  It wasn't too awful and like I said...I loved me some PLL!  

So comes the deep stuff.  On Friday I go in for a blood pregnancy test.  IF it comes back positive, or even negative, I will go back 2 or three more times next week to measure my levels.  If they are increasing, it confirms the positive pregnancy test!  So while this is all super exciting, it also is nerve-wrecking, because how am I going to keep this secret!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Here is the plan.....we aren't going to tell anyone anything until the end of May...yes that means you....and you, and yes you too.  The thinking behind this is 1: if we arent pregnant, we have time to grieve and decide what we want to do next. 2: if we are pregnant we get to enjoy our little secret, and by the end of May we will have had an ultrasound to hear the heartbeat(s).  

Please, if you love and care about us at all, please don't ask, try to trick us into telling, or even offering me things I am not allowed to have.  I know this is hard, especially if you have been on this journey with us for years.  But please understand that these are our wishes:)

Prayers and positive thoughts are still very welcome, and thank you so much to those who have been asking how I am feeling and doing. And the prayers!  Oh the prayers help so much more than you will ever know!