Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dress rehearsal, Check!

Dress rehearsal, Check!

Friday, I went to have my trial transfer completed. At school we have been calling this a "dress rehearsal" because that's basically what it was.  My co-workers were telling me to break a leg, remember to smile and to breathe...I love those crazy ladies!
It was a quick and easy procedure but man oh man did I have to pee!!  You have to go in with a full bladder, and I was so afraid I was going to have an accident right there on the table. Luckily I made it through the procedure without an accidents.

Stephanie and Dr. Katz were wonderful!  You know the feeling you get when you meet someone and that you feel they are supposed to be your friend? Yup that's how I feel about those two!  Dr. Katz is a funny guy who listens to his patients, jokes around, even when he is working down there, and clearly loves his job. Stephanie and I hug, she appreciates the cupcakes I bring her, and listens to my concerns, questions and knows when to tell me to breath. I'm one lucky girl to have these two in my corner.

My family has also been such a blessing!  My parents and my husband's parents and our siblings are an amazing support team I don't know how we would be able to have this journey without them! :) For the next week I will be on birth control. Next step will on the 9th for ultrasound and blood work. Thank you for your prayers, well wishes and comments. They keep me going :)

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