Sunday, March 15, 2015

Stephanie the Super Nurse

Stephanie the Super Nurse

So I have shared a little bit about our AMAZING nurse, Stephanie.  But let me give you the back story and then fill you up until now.  The first time we met Stephanie was right after our meeting with Dr. Katz to find out the IVF was the only way, Paul and I could physical have a child.  I had cried in that meeting with Dr. Katz, not because of the IVF journey...we knew we were already on that path since December.  I cried because we were told we had to wait another 'month'.  I say 'month' like that because my cycle has been ranging from 32-36 days and I was at the moment on day 2....the tears flowed fast and freely.  I was able to pull myself together before meeting with Stephanie, but I am sure she could tell I had been crying.

Stephanie,was not only professional and telling us all this information but so sweet when stopping to answer our questions and talking through our concerns and giving us some insight.  At one point we had to sign away our lives and there was some sensitive decisions we had to make about our un-created embryos.  The legal jargon was way above our heads, but Stephanie was able to dumb it down for us and make it clear to us.  (By the way the decisions we had to make were very clear to both of us...we are definitely meant for each other!)  We spent over an hour with her going over polices, procedures, how to inject the medicines, asking questions about some other parts, etc.  The one thing I repeat to myself daily one piece of information she shared: "Do not Google it!, email me as many times a day as you want!"

I am sure there are some days she wishes she hadn't said that!  But every email I send, she responds quickly, professionally and super supportive!! I had no idea that my IVF team would not only support me medically but also emotionally!  Stephanie is the one person I can always email in a panic about things not going my way and when she tells me that its going to be okay and workout, I actually believe her!  It's not that I don't think it's going to be okay (my faith assures me of that) but in those moments of panic when my anxiety is through the roof, she can calm me down with just a few emailed words.  She probably doesn't even know she does that, and I am sure it's not just me, but all the other women she has on her caseload! 

Stephanie is a Super Nurse in my book!  Here is to the lady who responds to crazy million emails, my anxious words, responds quickly to my email even on her day off!!!!   I am one lucky lady to her on my side.  I hope I can repay her one day...and no I don't mean with my money! :)

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