Tuesday, March 15, 2016

6 Weeks Left

Oh My Gravy!!!   Thursday marks 34 weeks....that means only 6 weeks left...or less!!!  Holy cow....there were times when this pregnancy felt like it was taking forever, and then whole chunks that flew by!  

It was about 18 weeks ago that we found out the very scary news about Shea and his Congenital Heart Defect (CHD)  I will tell you that time has flown...but when we were going through it, man it was sooooo slow and rough.  People are so surprised on how calm I am talking about it.  Not only have I had time to process it, but it's the calm before the storm...and I might be crying about it in 10 minutes.  I am not in a state of "poor me" or pity party, just scared of what is to come.  And what Shea's journey is going to be.  Of course we don't know the exact road, but we have met and read different kiddos journey's and its just overwhelming.

We had this amazing contact we made through Baby Luck and had dinner with the parents and sweet boy who has gone through two of the surgeries we will most likely be facing this year.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I needed that conversation, dinner, friendship making, oh and I definitely enjoyed the little boy wanting Paul to watch Elmo with him!  See that whole week we were waiting to hear back from the doctors in Boston.  

On Friday morning we heard back.  The news wasn't bad, in fact it was exactly what news we thought we were going to get: yes Shea has tricuspid atresia and the treatment plan is what we would suggest.  So that should have been good news right?  Well I just fell apart.  There have been very few times that I have needed to call Paul at work, when I myself am at work.  My wonderful TA took my kiddos out for recess so I could have a moment..aka call my husband and talk some sense into me!  This man I am married to, seriously deserves a medal, trophy, statue made, something!  He offered to get us to Boston so we could meet with them in person and compare facilities.  I declined and we talked about why Charlotte would be a better place for us as a family.  

  1. I wont have to be separated from Paul for weeks ahead of delivery.
  2. Paul wont have to fly in a short notice to make it in time for delivery.
  3. Follow up appointments wont have to be a huge travel ordeal.
  4. Our support system is here and we really do need them, now, during and after.
  5. Our surgeon is very capable and has experience with these types of surgeries.
So, we are staying in Charlotte! I pray daily that we have made the right decision for Shea. Please pray with us that the doctors and all medical professionals involved are guided by God's hands and take care of our baby boy.  

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