Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blogging Life and a Baby Shower!

Man, I dont know how people blog....I mean, I really just love when I do blog...and then I forget to blog....and it's really annoying!  I need a schedule to keep me blogging.  It's not like there isn't alot going on.  In the past 2 weeks I have had a baby shower, 3 parenting classes, my 3 hour glucose test, and two doctor appointments.  I mean technically that could have been 7 blogs...there are some of you out there that I know would have loved to read those 7 blogs over the last two weeks.  And honestly I wish I had written them as they were happening, my memory would have been much better too!

So readers, I hope you will forgive me for combining the topics and giving you a few blogs over the next few days.  

On 2/11 my sweet coworkers threw one of my bump buddies and I a double baby shower.  I originally felt guilty, because I really wanted her to have her own shower...but after having three Ohio showers, I think she was happy to share the limelight. 

 And actually, it was a lot of fun to have someone to share that limelight with!  We tried to open gifts from the same person/people at the same was alot of cuteness going on!! 

They guests also had to cut a piece of string that they thought fit around our bellies. It was hilarious seeing them try to figure it out, and then also finally putting it around us to finding out who was closest.  

All said and done, my friend's little girl guessed it perfectly!  I mean her yarn touched end to end around me.  This is the same friend, who's son got our gender reveal quiz/game right!  I don't know what kind of prep work she does on her kiddos before baby events, but beware...her kids know their baby stuff!

Of course there was lots of yummy food and CAKE!!!  We loved our cute cake....tasted pretty yummy too!! Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate!!  Love my NTES family

Stay tuned for a blog on all those dr appointments and another one just on parenting classes!


  1. Glad you are blogging these events I can't be there for!

    1. I need to get much better about blogging in time!
