Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Baby shower, The Lyons Den way!

My sweet class threw me a baby shower on Friday afternoon. I was so excited to share this moment with them! They've been with us since the beginning of the pregnancy and I have loved sharing the news with them that I was pregnant the news, that it was a boy and now getting ready for baby and all the things that are needed for a baby too.  

My one sweet little friend walk then first thing at 7 a.m. saying "Is there cake this afternoon?" I of course had no idea what was planned other than a baby shower so I said "I don't know but I think if they know Mrs Lyons pretty well though have cake." and he responded with "Yeah, if they know me, they know I love cake." All day we wondered if there'd be cake!

When I picked them up from their special, we walked back to the class with my own parents to find class parents and my husband waiting there was a table full of a huge delicious-looking cake, water bottles, juice boxes and surprise little eggs that were filled with the most yummy chocolate ever!  We also had a table full of presents. I was floored! Never did I think that that many presents would be on the table. I knew that my parents had been collecting money and I just figured there be one class gift and I was totally okay with that and very excited about it! Not only was there a class gift but there was gift from individuals as well.

We absolutely loved opening each and every one of them. I tried to get the kids involved by saying "Do you think we really need this many wipes?" They all laughed out loud because of course they knew how many wipes a baby needs, some of them have younger siblings. I felt bad because I was opening up all the gifts and making the kids excited. So of course I let Paul open one. He was funny looking through it.

We were so excited though to see the books and the clothes and all the fun stuff that the kids and parents had gathered for us. My families has been very generous this year and no surprise they were very generous for the baby shower as well. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been part of their lives this year and they will forever be part of Shea's life just because "when Mommy was pregnant with you and in my belly" those kind of stories. 

The kids love when I'm reading a story and Shea starts to move or kick or bounce about. They and I will never forget when Shea first discovered my bladder. It was quite hysterical moment for all of us during a very serious teaching moment. None of us could really keep our smiles away.

On Friday night I was able to write thank you cards to those who it individually given gifts. My thank you cards came Tuesday afternoon for the whole class.    I'm so excited to write them, they're going to be from Shea. I'm going to post them in the mail so the kids can open the card at home. I know they will absolutely love getting mail, I know I did when I was six and seven!  And hey even now!!  Send me a card I love getting mail that's not a bill of course!

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