Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Maternity Photo Sessions, do you really need one?

I am sure not everyone will agree with me, but my answer is YES, DO IT! YOU WILL REGRET NOT DOING IT!  

As you know this journey we have been on has been a difficult one!  Even still we have tried to keep it "normal" minus the ultrasounds every month, echos and hospital tours.  We have done the parenting classes, breastfeeding classes, 3D/4D ultrasounds (for fun!) We wanted to do maternity photo session and babymoon too.  So we got those on the schedule.  Last weekend we were able to check one of those off!

My dear friend Lora has been one of our prayer warriors for over a year.  Her strength and support has been so wonderful.  And I was so sad when she and her family moved to Tennessee.  Luckily, social media is a great way to keep up with each other.  I have loved seeing her boys grow up and her sweet baby girl coming into her own!  I was so excited to see that she was coming back for Easter weekend and was going to be doing photo sessions.  I am pretty sure I "attacked" her post and her messenger app!  (not going to lie, I just did the same this past week when she posted she was coming back in July.)

So without further ado, here are some of our faves!!  (these are the ones in color that we love the and white ones might show up later in another post!)

All photo credit:

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