Friday, March 18, 2016

Babymoon/Staycation/3rd year anniversary Update

So, you probably already know that the doctor axed our plans to go to Myrtle Beach the weekend of April 8th. He said we were too close to our due date and nothing against Myrtle Beach hospital, but our situation is way too serious to be delivering there.  Shea would have to be airlifted and I ambulanced back to Charlotte, totally not worth the trip.  Since this doctor has said "Yes" and "Probably" to every other question I have asked him since meeting him, I had to take this "No" as a serious one.  I was super bummed, Paul has always wanted to go there, I knew about this quiet hotel right on the beach and not going to lie I was really excited about going to Medieval Times for the first time!

If you follow me on Facebook you know that I was trying to collect restaurant and activity ideas for the city of Charlotte. Well let me tell you, y'all came through big time!!  Here is what I gave Paul last weekend to tell him about the new babymoon:

I know what the surprise entertainment is on Friday but I can't tell you, because it's a secret for Paul and believe it or not he reads these blogs! Maybe one day he will make a guest appearance and write a blog for you :)  Also I think we are going to do the Funny Bus Tour, anyone ever done that?  I'd never heard of it 'till a friend and reader told me about it  (and I've been here for 9 years!!)

Our 3rd year anniversary is May 11th and while we definitely be in new parent mode and not going out, we will also most likely be in the hospital still. I don't even know that dinner just the two of us in the cafeteria will be an option...though I'm sure our parents and close friends will try to pry us out of the room. (Love you guys!)  I'm hoping Paul and I can treat this staycation as our anniversary too and enjoy some adult time at least as a party of two (our last one) !:)

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