Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The little stinker strikes again!

Monday night we tried AGAIN to see Shea's sweet face.  We thought Grams and Gramps being there would help bring Shea out of hiding. We also thought...3rd times a charm, right? 

Nope!  That little stinker is determined to keep his face a surprise for us to meet in a few short weeks. I'd rather that be the surprise than the heart. #brightspot.

Shea is very proud of his ear and foot though. Below are some great pics of both, if you look closely at the "bumps" on his head, you will see that little man has hair...and lots of it!  #theheartburnisreal.

best face pic we have (3/12)

fist picture #alltenfingers   notice the bumps on the back of his head---hair!

That foot is about 3 inches long!

Very proud of his ear--best one I have ever seen! (3/28)

Like I said...we are super  proud of our ear and foot #alltentoes!

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