Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Lyons take over South Carolina

My brother-in-law, sister-in-law, niece and nephew were able to come down this weekend to celebrate Baby Shea with us!  I have not seen the twins since last summer in July. They have grown so much and are now 5 years old...they're like real human beings! It was so much fun to spend the weekend with them and to share in the excitement of Baby Shea.

My nephew is obsessed with the United States Presidents and he knows way more than I know about the Presidents. He put me to shame and I'm sad to say that I am not as smart as a five year old when it comes to presidents or at least the smartest nephew I know!   My sweet niece just adores our dogs!  It was so sweet to see her talking to our dogs, playing with the dogs, and asking about our dogs.  Every time we were driving somewhere, we would have to take two cars and she always wanted to come in the car with Uncle Paul and Aunt Mackenzie.   We had such fun little conversations about Shopkins and we even played Mad Libs. It was so funny trying to explain an adjective to her. Paul and I giggled a lot when we were saying to describe "Lily" and we were throwing out adjectives to describe her.  When we said "sassy" she had the most sassiest face back! Not like she was confused just like "no I don't want to use that word for myself!"   Later when we were describing Uncle Paul, she right away said "stinker" so of course the adjective i wrtoe in was "stinky"

Saturday afternoon we had plans to do a 3D ultrasound. We were hoping that an audience (family and our sweet friend who drove hours to be here) would make Baby Shea want to show his face on camera. Alas that was not the case :(  Baby Shea is very camera shy.  Although I'm now wondering if he's saving it all for his debut in April. Maybe he'll be the biggest ham in the world when it comes to a real camera and being outside the womb.  For right now he likes to hide his face. Lily and Tommy did a great job waiting and waiting and waiting for Baby Shea to show his face.  And then Aunt Mackenzie needed help cleaning off her belly.  It was covered with all the gel.  They really tried to help, but Uncle Paul had to step in to help too!  

Aafter that we went to lunch, I, of course, was starving and had to ask my sister-in-law for a snack. Luckily she comes ready to feed an army wherever they go and I was so thankful for that! After lunch we were going to go to Andrew Jackson State Park. They were having a celebration there and since my  nephew is so into Presidents we thought it'd be perfect. But we ate lunch a lot later and driving down to Andrew Jackson State Park was going to take us a while, so we ended up going to my parents house.  They would all be staying there so it was good to get the car unpacked.  

Then we went to the Grandparents Park. The kids loved playing on the playground and I think it was the adults who finally got cold and said okay guys time to go back to the house!  The boys had fished and by boys I mean my dad, my brother-in-law and my husband.  We did take out and then Paul and I went home.  I had rest up so we could par-tay on Sunday!

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