Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday Realizations

I don't post much about my faith mostly because I have wanted to share our journey.  Although I know I have mentioned how God has played an important part(the biggest part!) in our journey last year and again this year...and let's just be honest all the years to come!

I was convinced that all the trials and tribulations we went through last year was because God was working on us and bringing us back to Him. I still truly believe that! Last fall when we learned of Shea's heart condition, I realized God still wasn't done with us. He still needed to work on us, He still needed us to think about Him, to pray to Him daily.  Now I realize that He wants that every day and from everyone. But I guess I need the constant reminder that He is in charge and that He will take care of us and that I need to trust Him.

Last night our church had a Good Friday service, like most churches. This year just like last year, our pastor, Derwin Gray, went through the 14 stations. It's not the first time I've heard the 14 stations but something really struck me-- Jesus died on the cross for us.  (I'm not losing it...just bear with me! )

This man, loved us so incredibly much, that He took all of our sins, before we had even committed them and died for us.  He was tortured, beaten, forced to wear a crown of thorns and then nailed into a cross and forced to die a slow, painful death for us. (Okay not earth shattering, but stay with me!)

I'm sitting in service and Shea starts to dance (it might have been the pizza that I no lie, ate while walking into church...I figure no one was going to judge a pregnant woman on Easter weekend!) And the tears just start to flow. I would do anything, 300%! anything for my child not to suffer. I would go through all the surgeries, painful procedures and disappointments that I know he will have during his life, if I could.  And that is what Jesus did for us when He died on a cross. We all have tough times, go thru painful hardships and have massive disappointments in life. But without Him doing that for us, our lives would be so much worse. We can't even imagine a world like that and I'm so incredibly grateful that we don't.

Some of you may believe that Jesus was just a man, and that's okay, I still love you and care about you and want you in my life. A man who goes through all of that because He believed He could save us is an amazing man in my book. This very emotional momma-to-be finally "gets" (if just a little bit) how much love goes into the child or children a parent has.

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