Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Time to Make it Public

So if you have been following the blog and been missing are in luck!  I just posted all the secret ones that I have been writing but not posting!! I did pretty good in keeping the secret in but I will be honest there were times when  I definitely made a comment, or almost slipped!!  

 Now we got to the fun part!  I was able to tell my closest friends (who will be baby SH's aunties) that they were going to be Aunts!  I loved their texts and phone calls:)  Just thinking back to them I am getting happy tears!

I also am very one lucky lady to have two friends who are ahead of me by a monthish.  I was so excited to tell them both!!! And they both were so excited!  I think they both were worried about me.  Although I slipped up a million times around them both.  

Because my school family is such a big part of my life and my cheering section, I felt like I needed to tell them in a special way.  I however could not afford to tell all the 100 plus people in a cool way, but for those I lied to, I made this cute little sign and stuck it in bundtini's from Nothing Bundt Cakes. (if you aren't local, look this place up!  There may be one close to you!!)  The responses were wonderful!!!  The first person I got to tell, just started bawling and thanking God...and I have to tell you, my day started with tears...tears of joy and gratefulness that God has placed such amazing people in my life.

I am so glad I took this picture of our baby girls telling the world the news!  Bella is cracking me up with her head cocked.  She has been very attentive and even smelling the belly. Brayleigh on the other hand...well her body language says it all!  She is going to have a really hard time not being the baby.  

So world....Here is our baby!  This was taken on 9/28.  We wont have another ultrasound taken until 10/22.  We can't wait to see the growth thats been going on! 

As for those other pictures of me at 9 weeks, 10 weeks and 11 weeks....well I have been super sick.  No puking, thank goodness!  But the nausea has been so intense that the couch and bed have been laid in more than anything else getting done.  Oh and teaching too! Those 8-9 hours really take it out of a girl.  So maybe next week you will get some updates in that area.  

I will say we went to our OB practice and saw a doctor there, not ours, but we really liked her.  It was an uneventful appointment, no heartbeat, no ultrasound....kinda disappointing. It wasn't like they were unkind or anything.  I just miss my Dr. Katz and Stephanie. And Lisa and all the other amazing people at Reach.  They were family and when we had our last appointment I bawled as they kicked us out.  I will forever be thankful for that group of people, no one will ever be able to fill their place!  

As for you, my dear readers, now you know our great news!  No need to hold in the class parents know, my students know and now cyber world knows!  Thank you for following our journey so far.  I can't even begin to tell you how much it means that you read, prayed, sent messages, etc.  Thank you for loving us!