Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Secret post 8/21

Oh my goodness!!!! Today is the day that we find out!!! I can't even begin to tell you how I am feeling. Hopeful, nervous, excited, emotional and then there is the nausea, heartburn and acid reflux. Oh and don't forget this past week has been a week of required workdays getting ready for the new school year starting Monday 8/24. So yeah there has been some stress too.

I went in for blood work first thing and then got to school in time for our meetings. I'm very thankful to work in school where my administration is supportive and understanding. I was also very glad to have things to focus on besides "the call".  I had already arranged for Stephanie to call between 3:30-4. I left the building at 3:25 and waited and waited.
She called at 3:55...ahhhh!  That was a long 30 minutes of waiting!  And the news......

"YOU ARE PREGNANT! but...we are being cautiously optimistic." 

So here is the reasoning...when looking at levels of the hormones they are looking for a number high than 100. In my first go around my numbers were only 4.9, I didn't ask in 2 round. This time it was 57.4. So I am definitely pregnant but, we need this number to double by Monday. Here is how I explain this: our embryo implanted! But we need it to keeping growing. I would be asking for massive prayers right now but no one is seeing this blog for awhile. And I know you are praying for us now even if you don't know what exactly to pray for. Thank you for the prayers. :)

Here is the big problem: blood work needs to be done Monday before 1pm. But it's the first day of school. So I found a dear friend to come sub for me 10:45-2pm. She will be with me and the kiddos until I have to leave around noon. For anyone I run into when I'm leaving, I apologize for lying to you. I know you probably knew what was going and hopefully you understand why I lied. Please forgive me!

Monday night we will find out the results. We hope the numbers have doubled and that I have to go back for more blood work on Wednesday!  If the numbers have doubled then...then we are officially pregnant!! No we still aren't telling people. We still want to wait to the first ultrasound in September. I realize that I may not be able to keep this secret from many people, but I am going to try. Especially my New Town peeps...yall just can't keep secrets...but I do love you so much!!  You have been the most supportive bunch of coworkers a girl could ask for!

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