Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Secret Post 7 weeks! (and 8)

How far along? 7 weeks!!
Maternity clothes? some...just got new pants in the mail!
Stretch marks? sure do....but plexus is helping:)
Sleep: I am tired all the time.  I usually can fall asleep butam waking up earlier than I want too!
Best moment this week: Hearing that sweet heartbeat and seeing baby SH on the ultrasound screen!
Miss Anything? Food. Momma is so disgusted by food that even her faves, ice cream and cheese are yucky!
Movement: nothing yet,but we still rub the belly to let SH know we are here!
Food cravings: Seem to be called to salty food.  I
Anything making you queasy or sick: food and some smells
Gender: We just want a sweet healthy baby
Labor Signs: Thank goodness no!
Symptoms: n
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody.  Being sick and hungry are not good for this girl.
Looking forward to: Telling people!  I hate lying and I really want to share the news with everyone!

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