Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Week 12-15 update

Wondering where I have been?!  Well...the picture says it all!

The b girls and my husband have been taking really good care of me. I have to say the cheeze-its are new to my diet, typically it's goldfish in bed!  So let me get you all caught up with what's been going on since my last blog.

Week 12: The first time I actually threw up from the nausea.  Both times were right after 
being in the car, so I was worried that I had acquired car sickness. But I seemed to move past that quickly.

Week 13:  We had our first ultrasound in the regular Dr office. We were both looking forward to it!  However, Baby SH then decided I need to focus more on her/him. So instead of being excited all day, I was sick. Like really sick. 10 minutes before the kiddos walked into my classroom, I puked over 10 times. I really should have gone home and rested, but the teacher can't be sick!  So I somehow pushed through the rest of the day. Luckily I have amazeball kiddos and they knew I needed extra support.

Paul met me at the Dr's office for our ultrasound.  While waiting in the little exam room, I had to run to the bathroom twice. I know I wasn't the first person to get sick at the ob office, but still super embarrassing. After coming out the second time I asked for a cup of water. I knew I was going to have to give blood and nothing had stayed in my body all day:(  The sweet lab tech brought me water and laid down the chair/table so I could rest some.
The actual ultrasound went fine. Baby SH is measuring at 6 cm and heart rate is 157...he/she is so big!! Seeing this little one grow every few weeks is just crazy!  He/she is taking up so much room and yet I know will be taking up so much more!

Week 14: I ate a cheeseburger!  Lol I know that may not seem big, but I think it was the first meat I had in a month. I was so scared it would make me sick I didn't tell anyone till the next day.  I made it through the whole week with no sickness either!  No actual sickness,  but the nausea comes and goes.

I also decided to get on the scale.  Mostly because I was curious. I haven't been on the scale since maybe February. With all the meds, depression, and eating in the past 8 months I knew it was not a pretty number. Well in past 8 months (though I'm sure it's closer to the past 14 weeks) I've lost 20 lbs. Between not eating and Baby SH sucking up from my fat cells, I'm not going to lie I was pretty excited. But then also really worried. I don't want to put the baby at risk. I'm going to try to eat more and better.

Week 15: As I begin this week of pregnancy I can say I have eaten two ribs! And am really trying to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or course I'm snacking too. I'm learning the difference between the nausea  (I'm going to be sick ) and the nausea  (I'm need to eat)  My saving grace has been these individually wrapped snacks from Graze. It's this company that ships me 8 healthy snacks every two weeks. They are great to throw in lunchbox or purse!  And they are really yummy too! But I am down another 6 lbs.  I'm not worried yet....plenty of fat cells still remaining!

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