Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Secret post 8/27

Well we got the great news on Monday that our numbers HAD increased from 57 to 139!! So while our numbers were low, they had doubled, and that's the important part!  I can tell you leaving early the first day of school was hard to go get that test but so worth it!  I love my new class! But I left them in good hands for sure! 

At this point I have lost count how many people I have lied to.  Many of your remembered that I would find out Friday,  some that I don't even think read this blog!  I have had to look in your eyes, or close to it, and say "no, we aren't pregnant."  I am shocked I haven't laughed, smiled or even just told you the truth. We are trying so hard to keep this in that when I called the pharmacy to send more meds and they asked I was pregnant I almost lied to THEM!  I forgot they need to know these things.

This morning I had to go back in for our third pregnancy test. I got there at 6:20am with another crazy lady. We talked and two more ladies came and they talked. Then my sweet friend I have met (and who had her transfer two days after me) was there! I knew that could only mean she was pregnant too!  So exciting!!! 

Going up to the receptionist desk was hilarious. We were all chatting and laughing, not the norm! Went upstairs and my girl Lisa was there! Love her.  Blood drawn and out the door before 7:20!  I have said it before and I will say it again, I love REACH. I know some people don't have great experiences but that's true everywhere: hair salons, dentist, grocery stores. I am a firm believer in you get what you put into it. I treat them with love and respect and I get it back:)

I had asked Stephanie to call between 2:15-3 and at 3:07 I was ansty!! She did call and our numbers doubled yet again to 388!!  Wahoo!  But we still can't tell anyone:( and I have to go in for more bloodwork:(  

So the "happy" number that they are looking for is 1,000 and Stephanie won't stop worrying till we hear the heartbeat (at our first ultrasound in a few weeks)  So my dear friends, I am totally avoiding you; I am not meeting your happy smiles when I see that glint in your eyes; You probably know you know, but you want me to tell you.

And here is the 100% truth: I WANT TO TELL YOU!! It's killing Paul and I not to tell you. We want to scream it at the top of our lungs. We want to celebrate with cake! (No seriously we do!)  We really appreciate the understanding and space you are giving us. And I really appreciate that you aren't trying to trick me into telling you.

Love you tons. XOXOXO

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