Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Secret post 8/11

This is totally a #laterpost. I got so good about not posting that I forgot to secret blog.  So I am going to try to remmeber back and finish this post best I can. 

So I have been sticking to my guns about not blogging, and not stressing!  This time around I have really put my trust in God, knowing He has a plan and really trying to let Him have it!:)  It hasn't been the easiest but my stress level has been down!   That is until I realized the one shot I take after my transfer is not in my house...I didn't fill it through our mail order pharmacy :( 

I had to go in for blood work this am because a few days ago my numbers were border line. So as I am giving blood, I am emailing our nurse. When I went to check out I also asked to speak with a nurse. Lucky for me there is a special pharmacy right around the corner. Crisis #1 averted!!

Now back to that borderline comment...they were checking to see if I would need additional medications after the transfer. (Which they did put me on)

The transfer part was funny, exhilarating and hopefully will be successful!  Our nurse, Stephanie, always comes in to see us, give pep talks, hugs, well wishes, and to give our doctor a hard time:)  She didn't disappoint!  Then Dr. Katz came in and we talked. He seemed in super high spirits, and said our embryo thawed out wonderfully!  I was so excited to get this show on the road. When he first came in I took his hands in mine and said "Do I need to bless these hands?!"  Then we noticed a bug bite on his hand...then we got off topic. I know I said "Let's make sure we get some gloves on these things!"  Yeah I think the Valium was working at this point.

Once I got back to the procedure room, they had to undo my gown so I can lay down.  That's when they all noticed my 'infection' site. I had two nurses, maybe three, a nurse practitioner and Dr Katz all in amazement. Now mind you, not only did this happen way back in June but two different doctors and two different nurses in the practice have all seen it  Dr Katz accused me of not telling him how bad it was..ha! I told him that's because the last time I saw you, we were more worried about the empty tissue box!

Our procedure went the same as the last 2 times. It never gets old seeing them transfer the embryo into me.  Once my 30 minutes of laying down was done...I ran down the hallway to go to the bathroom. That full bladder is no joke!!

Fingers crossed, prayers being said that this embryo is the embryo we have been waiting for all along!

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