Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Secret post 8/31

Y'all I am so excited to announce that we are out of the dark scary woods!  Not out of the woods...just the scary ones we have been in for a week.  Last week our numbers were at 336, we needed them close to 800 today but our AMAZING! Baby "SH" gave us numbers at 1499!!!!  That little baby just quadrupled!  Or at least the levels did...we are so happy!  We officially have told our immediate family, minus my brother who we are seeing Friday...and I have to tell him in person, he is going to be so excited :)

You are probably wondering about our name for the baby right now.  We, okay I, decided on SH, because we have two names picked out, one starting with an S and one with a H and we are keeping this baby a secret....hence the sh part!

Since we have made it to our 5 week mark, I thought it was time for pictures and a little info!

How far along: 5 weeks
Total weight gain/lossI am not measuring...I am sure the doctors will, but I am not stressing out about this part
Maternity clothes: well, only sometimes
Stretch marks: oh yeah...I need to start using my body cream!
Sleepyes ;-) in the past few weeks I have taken several naps....and that is NOT like me!
Best moment this weektelling the random people we ran into (parking attendant at the Panthers game, ladies at Southern Women's show booth) that we were preggo!  If we cant tell people we know....why not strangers!
Miss Anything: I missed being able to have prosciutto at Bucca's.  They have some amazing food there!
Movement: nope
Food cravingsnot really...having a hard time deciding what I want to eat period
Anything making you queasy or sickthe smell of smoke, tar (road construction) 
Gender: Paul is thinking girl, but we both agree that we will just be happy with a healthy baby!
Labor Signsnope
Symptomscramps, hot flashes at night
Belly Button in or out: in
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or Moody most of the timeHappy!!! I have found myself snapping at some points though

Looking forward to: Telling the world!!  We have decided to tell after the ultrasound mid September.  My lie count is in the double digits :(

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