Saturday, May 30, 2015

Round 2: FET

On Tuesday we had our consultation about Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)  First of all I have to say I super proud of myself, I didn't cry once!!  This month has not been mine finest, but I'm healing and on the upswing!

We met with Dr. Katz and there are no answers or reasons why round 1 didn't work. He did tell us that because of our day 5 transfer, and my estrogen levels, that could be the reason. Embryos that make it to day 6 are much stronger than the ones on day 5. Who knew 24 hours made that big of a difference. The estrogen levels during first round 1 weren't super high in where they were concerned about my health, but high for someone who gets pregnant normally.

He is very confident about round 2. The birth control and Lupron are going to make my system, and levels in a more normal state. We had lots of discussion about how many to transfer 1 or 2. The stats actually played a big part. Our concerns were based on the end results, 1-being pregnant! 2-mutliples (and how many?) So we are going to be transferring 2 embryos. It does increase our chances of twins to a 35% chance. But the likely hood of quadruplets is not even a full 1%... however the Dr has seen it happen before. We all laughed knowing that we have already surprised Dr Katz a few times, so it's possible we will surprise him again!

Round 2 meds are much easier. I have spent over 3 weeks on birth control, last pill is tonight!   On Tuesday I started Lupron (shot) which does two things, stops me from ovulating and increases the uterus lining. This shot is so tiny I'm letting anyone give me the shot...just kidding!  But I am open to people helping this time. We made a neighbor/friend watch us this week, and our trusty Mrs. Claus came to my rescue as Paul was unable to come home from work last night. 

We are in this waiting game of when my cycle will start, then I got in for ultrasound and blood work. Mid June we will start the progesterone oil shot, my poor butt!  I will also start some antibiotics and other meds (all pills) to prepare for the transfer. At some point I will go in for them to check the thickness of the lining to make sure I am on track.

Transfer is scheduled for June 23rd followed by a shot that day and then bed rest.  We will have season 5 and the new season of PLL to watch.  Paul and I have started Scandal, we most likely will be done before bed rest gets what else do we need to watch?!


  1. All I can say scandal is awesome and addicting. And once is pretty cool! Oh and mad men.
