Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Checking in

I know it's been awhile since I posted, but there really wasn't much to say. This month has been sad, stressful and lonely.  There are tons of people out there loving us and praying for us but unless you have gone through a loss like this, it's hard to hear.  I still love you all and beg you to please love us and keep praying for us! 

It's also been awhile since I have attended church. I was just so sad and I just couldn't face people.  Weekends were my time for grieving and then Monday am pulling it together for work.  But I went back this weekend and was so glad!  I thoroughly love my church and my pastor but this series is such a hard one to get through: The book of Romans.  I was in need of God's word and Romans apparently!  My worship guide was filled with notes. "God is interceding for us."  "Every tear and heartache has a redemptive purpose."  "Our suffering can inspire healing in others."  

I loved all those quotes from the sermon, but that last one...whew! It really hit home.  I have written before that many of you have reached out and shared your personal stories.  Some of you have thanked me for sharing our story.  Suffering is not something I like to do, but I do love helping others.  So if I can help others then...I guess I shall suffer.  But I am not going to lie...I am looking forward to some good news!  

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