Saturday, March 14, 2015

Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Throughout the week we have had some more progress in our journey.  We finally heard from the 2nd medicine drug company....they awarded us 50% off their medicines! You just dont even know how happy we are!  We know that the costs saved will help us pay the other medical bills that are coming in.
Some of you are probably wondering how I am doing on the medications...well...I haven't started yet.  I think I mentioned in an early post that I can't start medication 1 (birth control) until my cycle starts.  It hasn't started yet.  I don't think I have ever wished for Aunt Flo to hurry up and visit more! 

While its been a long month, it's also been a short one.  We have had appointments and things to figure out.  I am going to be honest here, its been frustrating as all get out! I think the last few appointments that can be made are, this upcoming week will be a busy one. And whenever my cycle does start, I will have another appointment!  It should be a pretty productive week!

I think tomorrow's post is going to have to be about Stephanie, our IVF nurse...she is just amazing and you need to hear about her!!

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