Sunday, March 8, 2015

Readers Here, Readers There, Readers Everywhere!

Readers Here, Readers There, 
Readers Everywhere!

One pretty cool thing about this blogging deal is you can see where in the world people are reading your blog from.  We have a reader in Dominica, my sweet friend who I only met for one night but instantly knew we were meant to be friends, lives there now.  She is working her magically nursing skills down there enjoying that magnificent weather..I know I am not alone in coveting that right now!  Another friend in New Zealand is a reader..oh how we miss you at school, friend!  Feel free to come back and visit anytime! I will gladly sit in the back and watch you teach my kiddos, teach them the dances and songs from your mother land!

Another cool thing about blogging is realizing that the blog isn't about you anymore!  I have only been writing for less than a month, and numerous people have reached out and told me their stories.  I have been glad to hear each of these stories (even the heartbreaking ones, my prayers are with you) and reconnecting with friends from long ago!  (Facebook is amazing for this!)  

Today I received the most eye opening message.  I won't go into the whole story but here are the words that got my heart! "Your process is healing for me and is creating hope for so many others."  I had to read that about 3 times before even processing that myself.  I am helping others??  I certainly didn't start this blog to help someone else.  In my younger years writing had been my outlet.  And I for sure need an outlet now!  If my story is helping you, I am so thankful!  Feel free to message me or comment below. 

As always my readers, thank you for continuing to read this little blog of mine, and thank you for your continued support!

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