Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Steps We Take

Little Steps in a Big Journey

       Getting to IVF isn't easy and it isn't cheap!  Paul and I have spent the past 7 months in doctors offices, having tests run, procedures done and spending more money than I am willing to publicly share.  However, it's nothing compared to the frustration we had shouldered.  People say the first year of marriage is difficult, and we shared that road with millions of other couples, but man oh man this second year has been tough, but has really brought us together!  Paul has been a constant support, even when he thought I was crazy..hehe :)  He is an amazing man, who has done everything he can to keep me sane throughout this process.  I hope I have been helpful to him as we have gone through the testing and results.  
     Another frustrating part of this process is the people surrounding us.  We know our family and friends around us care for us and in the beginning no one knew anything.  But take it from me hearing "It will happen", "Just relax", and other similar sentiments, can drive a person mad!!  Once we started sharing what was going on with our friends, I was able to breathe a little bit and people did back off a little bit.  There are still some people in our lives that ask "When are you going to have a baby?" and I am just now able to respond "We are working on it".  
     I am still working on how to handle the pity looks.  We don't need the me, we are strong! :) The looks we get when we explain that we have to go through IVF, are so sad filled.  I guess I am past the sad phase.  We know what the problem is and we have a great solution!  In about another 15 days we start the process. I am excited to get started!  
    As we continue our journey and share our lives with you, please know that we love you and thank you so much for the support!  As we feel comfortable with the information we have, we will share.