Saturday, March 7, 2015

So What Happens?

So What Happens?

When first meeting with the IVF team, I thought I would never remember the timeline or how this was all going to go down.  But since I have repeated it a million times...I think I have it down now!:) Some of you have been asking, so instead of repeating it another million times..Lets just blog about it:)

  • Wait until my cycle starts over.  About a month ago, we were sitting in the dr's office, me with high hopes that we could get started right away because I was on day 2 of my cycle!  But he wanted us to wait until the new cycle started over, needless to say, there were some tears right then and there! Normal people have cycles about 28 days, I am special and my cycle is between 32-36 days.  UUUUGGGGGGHHHH!!!!
  • The "Phone Call". It sounds so crazy to say, but when my cycle begins, I get to call the IVF team and let them know I have started!  LoL I literally will have that excitement in my voice too.  I will begin taking baby aspirin at this point too.
  • Medicines and Ultrasound. On day 3 I start taking birth control.  One of my readers asked why...this is to one, make sure I don't get pregnant and also to kind of shut my system down...they will be reeving up my system later in the process.  I will also need to get an ultrasound on this day.  They will be tracking my ovaries and egg production through out this whole process. 
  • Trial Transfer.  We will be scheduling a trial transfer to make sure the process goes according to plan :)
  • The Serious Medications.  So here is where they start reeving up my system!  I will start about 3 medications( in shot format) a day for anywhere between 8-12 days. Apparently I will be able to give these to myself...jury is still out on that one! I will need to go to the office every other day during this process for blood work.  I am incredibly lucky to having an amazingly supportive administration!  
  • Egg Retrieval. With all the blood work and monitoring they will be doing, they will know when I am best ready for this step. I will be sedated during this....whew!  They will collect the eggs and the sperm and put them in petri dishes to make us some fertilized embryos.  I will need to keep relaxed, hang out on the couch the rest of that day.  
  • More Medications and waiting. I will need to take some more medications to help my system to get back in regular mode, as well as some to get my system ready to the embryo transfer.  One medication is the big momma goes in my butt....who wants in on injecting that one?!  Haha  We will need to wait for the IVF team to call us to let us know when the next step will happen.  It seems like its 4-6 days.
  • Embryo Transfer. Once we get the phone call,they will already have discarded the petri dishes that didn't create a good embryo.   I will not be sedated for this procedure, but will be given a Valium ahead of time.  Afterwards is 24-48 hours of bed bed rest?! Any tips for this? 
  • Lots of waiting and then pregnancy test.  During this waiting time any and all distractions will be appreciated!!  I possibly will be a basket case:) I will have a blood test 12 days after embryo transplant to see if I am pregnant.  They will repeat this test every three days for about a week if it is positive.  Oh please let it be positive!!!!
I am so appreciating all the comments and words of support!  Please keep them coming...especially as we begin this journey. I apologize in advance to all for any and all emotions that will be coming and could be unleashed. 


  1. Replies
    1. In the trial transfer, they mimic the actual embryo transfer by passing a soft catheter into the uterine cavity to determine the angle and depth of the uterus, and to help discover if there is any difficulty in doing so in advance. This allows them to “map out” an appropriate path for the actual embryo transfer so that this procedure is done as smoothly easily as possible (From

  2. Best rest - yes - very important - even not to go up and down stairs. I sat with a friend after her transfer. It was October, so she was doing her Christmas cards. We'll have to find a new Pinterest project that can be done sitting down - I'll keep you company one day for sure!

  3. Thank you Rebecca! For sure Pinterest project and finding a new series on TV to marathon watch:)
