Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Happy Surprise!

A  Happy Surprise!

Yesterday, we took a trip to Target to refill my vitamins, migraine medicine and get my first medication needed for IVF....birth control.   Believe it or not, this girl has never taken birth control.  Because of the aggressive breast cancer in my family, my doctors have always advised against birth control.  

Back to my story...we go to the Target pharmacy counter and they don't have my exact brand of birth control I am supposed to take, but something similar that I can take.  I ask if they can refill my vitamins and migraine medicine...oh no my refills are out.  But they say..."You can call your doctors office to issue a new prescription"  My response, "She's in Africa"  They guy laughs, Paul comes over to see whats going on, I tell him my refills are out and that I need to call my doctor.  His response..."but she is in Africa!"  We all had a nice laugh.  I emailed our wonderful IVF nurse, Stephanie, to ask her for some assistance.  (more on Stephanie in a later post...she is AMAZING!!!)

While they are filling my prescription, we wander and get some food for the rest of the week.  When we come back to get the prescription, she rings us up...and tells us there is no co-pay!  So here is what I am telling you....we just paid $0 for something related to IVF!!  This pretty much made our day...because the $1,000's  we will be spending are just unreal...don't worry...we know its totally worth it!