Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mid-Week Update!

Mid-Week Update!

I am happy to report my cycle finally begun last Friday!  I was beginning to think the stress of everything was going to  make me miss my cycle! And yes when I called to announce the beginning of my cycle to my IVF team, my face totally looked like this! If you are just joining this adventure, you can check out this post to see the steps we are taking.


Sunday morning I pulled into the parking lot at 7:15 am for my blood work and ultrasound. Saturday afternoon I drank over 100 oz of water because giving blood is such a process for me.  (deep veins in arms..they usually end up taking from my hand)  I was in for a pleasant surprise...I only had to give 1 vial of blood!! The ultrasound was just to see how many eggs I have forming currently and their size.  The on-call IVF team was great, very kind and super thorough on  making sure I had a prescription of birth control.  I am not lying when I say between Friday afternoon-Sunday afternoon I was asked 10 times if I had my birth control filled.  

Sunday evening I got the phone call to start taking birth control!  We are on our way! Stephanie, our IVF nurse, called me Monday to make sure I was taking the birth control and to schedule my next appointment for ultrasound, trial transfer and to talk about the next medicines.  

So with that being said....our next step is this Friday!!  I will be heading in with a full bladder for this thing called a trial transfer.  So in this quick appointment, they will be checking to see exactly where they will be placing our embryos.  They don't want to be fumbling around on the actual day of implantation, so they do this mock one to know the lay of the land.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.  I love hearing from everyone but most of all I love to know that you care....that sounds wrong to say, but I decided when I started writing this blog, that it was mine and I was going to say my feelings...and not hold back!  

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