Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Oh the plans!

This cycle has its own plethora of plans!

Plan A would have been that my period started yesterday and go in for ultrasound and blood work today.

Plan B was that my period didn't start and I still go in for bloodwork and ultrasound and start patches later.

Plan C is my period starts while I'm at the jamberry conference in Dallas Texas, find a fertility clinic to have bloodwork and ultrasound there then start patches

Plan D will be that my period never decide to come and we will have to skip this time around.

So we ended the day with a combination of plan B and plan E (which was not  So I did go in for bloodwork and ultrasound. The doctor said that my lining looked good and Stephanie called this afternoon to say my numbers were good!  So even with no period, my hormones levels and uterus lining were good to go!:)  Estrogen patches and another pill were added to the mix. I will go back in for blood work and ultrasound to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

The only difference in this visit that I noticed was that this time around there were no cysts. I've had them before and they weren't "issues" but now with none....maybe this is our best chance!

I think I have also decided to not post my blogs for awhile...torture right?!  Hear me out though:  if everything continues as it should transfer will be August 11th, and pregnancy test will be August 21st.  Then we are supposed to wait another few weeks for the ultrasound. So we are looking at over a month of me not posting. But I'm going to be totally honest, August is a super crazy time of year being a teacher! Week of the 17th: getting room ready. Week of 24th: beginning of school. All the other weeks of September: trying to keep my sanity and teach these babies how to be first graders. If the news is good I will want to share to the ultrasound to be sure it really took and the baby is growing. If the news is not good, I can stay busy with my kiddos, and not worry about posting the sad news. And either way once I do post again you will be really excited!...right??  Hehe

Just so you know I am contemplating adding a school section and possible a jamberry section to this blog. So I would still be blogging, but about different things. Thoughts?  Suggestions? 

We love you all and know that you are right there with us, hoping and praying that THIS embryo is the one we have been waiting for all along! 

1 comment:

  1. You do what is best for you. Everyone else can wait. Love ya. See ya tomorrow xoxo
