Sunday, June 7, 2015

Here we go!

Thursday afternoon aunt flo finally showed up!  I needed to go in Friday am for blood work and ultrasound. The only bad thing was that we were going to Zac Brown Band on Thursday night. It was a great show, he did an amazing show with some really great covers. The bad thing, the parking lot afterwards. We didn't get home till after midnight.

In an effort to get just a little sleep, I didn't make sure I was at Reach 20 minutes before they opened. No lie I pulled in to the parking lot at 7:03....and I was there for an hour!  Usually I am one of the first people there and am out of there in about 30 minutes. Who knew that it really mattered to get there super early! 

We got the go ahead to start estrogen patches. We decreased the Lupron in half, added a nighttime pill and the estrogen patches start.  The patches are a bit different this time. They are changed every other day and are increased. So I am on one patch now but will be increasing them as we go on. I will be up to 4 patches on at once mid June. Poor Paul,  and anyone else who has to deal with me! 

***update, 6/9 I started two patches. I can def tell I am a bit more irrational...although today was the last day of school. So that could just be the stress. ***

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