Monday, April 18, 2016

We all fall down (4/11)

Well I forgot to write this blog and the baby moon blog is still in here is a little recap from last Monday.

Paul and I drove up to Zootastic in my hospital packed car.  Being so close to due date, we didn't want to chance something happening and 911 being the only option to get me to the hospital. We had a ton of fun with my class. And Paul have made a new friend with a certain giraffe named Melvin. He won't allow me to post pictures, but I promise, they had a great time together!!

We had a Dr's appointment later in the day, so I drove back to school to dismiss my kiddos are Paul went home to wait for my arrival.  I spent a little too long chatting at school and decided to head out the back door to the parking lot. I wasn't walking too fast or anything...but I totally face/belly planted.

I fell 97% on my belly, 1% on my right elbow, 1% on my right knee, 0.50% on my left hand, 0.25% on my right pinky and 0.25% on my left pinky.  I came out of my shoe and didn't even know I fell until I realized my glasses were hanging from my face and our sweet custodian, Frank, came running and yelling out of a classroom. He had seen me fall. One of my co-workers came running out too.

I was so embarrassed, I didn't register any pain, just sheer embarrassment. Since some things were bleeding, we did patch me up. My co-worker walked me to my car after a few minutes. I'm going to honest, I wasn't super worried about Shea, my water didn't break, there was no blood from that area and he is so protected in there.

I called Paul on my way home, he helped calm me down a little bit and when I got home we headed to the Dr as planned. Our Dr is pretty laid back and doesn't take my crazy antics too seriously. But he was very concerned about me and my placenta rupturing. (Even though there was no dilation yet) So we were sent to the hospital for monitoring.

Well you know, we decided to walk all the sky bridges to get there and ran into a volleyball friend of Paul's. It was actually nice to see him, but I had started cramping, and felt like I needed to be looked at sooner rather than later. It took us awhile to get to the right nurses station on floor 8, but once we got there, we were taken to a monitoring room.

Everything was fine, Shea's heart rate was fine, nothing much was showing up on my contraction monitor. However they didn't want me to eat anything. I had last eaten at's not going on 5...and they wanted me to wait until 9pm.  I warned the nurse that I probably would pass out that long not pregnant, wasn't sure how I was going to make it 9 months pregnant. She must have talked to the Dr (who we were waiting to come up from the ER) because she came back with a liquid tray. I must have been hungry because I gobbled up the chicken broth, jello and sweet tea!  But unfortunately, we had waited too long because the dull headache I had, was now growing and growing worse. Paul was helping me rub my temples and scalp when she came back in. She left to bring me Tylenol but she didn't come back, instead a new nurse, Kelsey, came in. 

Oh how we loved her! She was so attentive and helpful and she got the Dr in!  Dr agreed I was okay and could leave at 8:30 instead of 9!  Kelsey also tried to help me get into a better position, like on my side. But because of Shea's position, laying on my back was the only way to keep his heart rate on the monitor. Sweet nurse even wheeled me down to the lobby to meet Paul in the car.  I asked her to be our labor/delivery nurse! Yall that's how good she was:) 

Today (4/18) we are now 10 days (really 9, because it's my bedtime) out from due date. We have a Dr's appointment tomorrow and we are so hoping there has been some movement in the dilation area! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Praying for dialation!!!! Come on baby Shea!!!!
