Friday, April 1, 2016

Sweet Baby Shea

For those of you who may have missed it, (because Facebook likes to hide things) I did start a Facebook page dedicated to Shea. I will still be blogging, don't fret readers! But I wanted to have an easy and quick way for Paul and I to communicate what's going on in the world of Shea.  They won't be long posts (so I say now...) but hopefully informative ones as Shea makes his arrival!  

Here is the link:
Sweet Baby Shea

Make sure you hoover over the like button and make sure the "all on" for notifications is clicked so you don't miss anything!

Oh...and we had a dr's appointment on Thursday. We are officially at 36 weeks.  There is no movement "down there" and no discussion of induction yet.  He said maybe we could talk about it in two weeks.  It seems so far away!  But really it isn't...we will be there before we even realize it!  

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