Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 5: momma moves out (4/30)

Shea is 5 days old!!!  He celebrated with a visit from Auntie Rachel and Uncle Andy!  Andy and Paul took the first visit, they knew ours would be nice and long!  Yall I wish I had a video of Rachel being with Shea....she was so excited and happy and just...well let's face love!! I mean who can blame her!

Dr Sutsko has been the neonatologist that has been doing rounds all week. We have talked to him and the resident several times. We like him, he is "old school"  Today when the resident (Amanda ) presented her report, I understood everything she was saying. Kinda scary...I mean cool, but whew...I have learned so much this week. Because of yesterday being a little tough at some feedings to bottle 30ml, I was concerned that jumping to 40 ml would be too big of a stretch. I asked Lauren (Shea's primary nurse) if Shea could tolerate 40ml. She thought he could but tolerate doesn't mean fully digest, or solely thru bottle. Just that it basically wouldn't set him back. Dr. Sutsko was on his phone immediately working out the calculations and we compromised on 35ml feedings.

11am feeding was all me!  He had no residuals!  And we tried several new positions. Shea and I both like sideline. He literally is laying on his side...he gulps down milk that way. I was starting to get a headache and knew I needed a hearty meal.

But first we stopped at the gift shop and rented a breast pump. Mine is coming this week but I can't not pump at night.  And since we are leaving the hospital today I need something!

We had lunch at Panera's and my family met us there. My mom and brother went to see Shea and my dad, Paul and I went to room. I pumped and tried to take nap. The headache was just getting worse and worse.

I didn't want to go down for 2pm feeding but Paul really encouraged me to. I'm glad he did. I love spending time with him. I need to see him...he is so sweet and I'm in love. I also was glad I went down because I got to see Paul feed him.  Paul also got a huge burp out of Shea and we realized that Shea squirms when his back is tickled...lots of laughing from our bay.  Paula and Shea are so adorable together. Just wait to you see the pictures. My heart is on fire!!

Dr. Green is the cardiologist on call this weekend. He came in to talk to us about the procedure they were talking about. He really explained it to us and also said he totally gets why we want to talk to Dr. P before agreeing. He said he thinks Dr.  P is the best he has ever worked with in the years he has done. Also he made me feel more confident in the fact that I'm asking these questions and wanting to feel sure. He said to follow my instincts and that no one was going to talk us into doing anything. We are learning how to advocate for our sons best interest. So far no one thinks we are out of line..hope it stays that way:)

Headache was pretty bad when I got back to the room so I took motrin and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep but at least I was resting.  Paul had already packed everything up for the most part. So he and my dad got everything on Catt and down stairs. Then Paul came back and got me. I had a few sips of Coke  in hopes that caffeine would help. Headache was slightly better.

My brother drove me oh so delicately to the Hospitality House of Charlotte. It's literally across the street from the hospital, but walking that far is going to take me awhile to work up to. My brother did a great job helping me out of car, getting registered, unpacking car and getting things up stairs. Don't know how we would have done it without him.  Paul had gone back to nicu to spend time with Shea and do 5pm feeding.

My mom has me a sandwich amd some milk. Definitely started feeling better. About 5:30 I called nurse Lauren to see how Paul and Shea were doing. They were doing great of course.   He walked over to the House when he was done. My family left and Paul and I relaxed a bit. We decided to eat over at cafeteria and then go feed Shea one more time for the night.

Nurse Tiffany was our nurse again for night shift. It's such a small world in this hospital...I actually know her through Co workers and acquaintances.  After feeding him 30 out of 35 ml by bottle, I was able to snug my precious little man. We took our first selfies and I held him in different positions. Oh sweet baby love!!

Tomorrow my brother goes home, so Shea and him will be able to bond lots before he goes. We hope that he will be able to come back, but we understand working and being across the country makes it much harder. Sunday and Monday we plan on just coasting through in our schedule.

This blog is getting posted so much earlier than the others. :) I am going to try to work on photos  on Sunday and get you the next few albums soon. I know you are excited to see them!

Love to all!

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