Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 3 let's eat! (4/28)

I want pictures!!!  My brother has been super helpful in getting our pictures off our camera and on to a Google cloud for us. I promise when he gets in here today (4/29) we will have help him with getting it on to the Sweet Baby Shea Facebook page.

Since I was determined to get my breastmilk  up and going I made myself get up twice in the night to pump. It totally worked...because I was able to pump 5 syringe fulls. I was feeling good!  We never went back to sleep after the 5am one we were down in NICU for his 8am feeding. Little man had a great night. But he didn't digest the formula well or take it well by bottle. So glad milk came in so I could make Shea happy!

We were there for rounds with neotalogist and resident. The resident (Keerti) is so sweet. But she terrified me when she suggested going from 10ml to 25ml at every feeding. Dr said he was old school and said let's do 20ml instead. Paul and I were shocked but we have to trust what they say. (This would start at his 5pm feeding)

We had to leave before the 11am feeding because of something going on with another baby. We came back up to my room where I had my first bowel movement.  Yup folks I just shared that news worldwide. It's a super important part of labor and delivery. So there you go! I also showered and got off another layer of my dressing from my incision. Our heart nurse navigator came in to check with us. We had a great talk but nothing really dealing with Shea and surgeries. She was staying on top of the Dr's and making sure they knew to get back to me. As she was leaving the OB showed up. He was very impressed with my incision and said it looked great. I got a little confused about when he was discharging me. He mentioned today, friday or saturday! After talking to the nurses about when I was leaving, I think it's more likely Saturday.

Paul was going to head down to meet the cardiologist as we had heard he was looking to talk to us but he actually came up to our room. I very thankful for that. My family and I could hear the news too and we could all ask questions. We had been told that putting a Stent in the pulmonary valve may be an option to open it up more, but Dr. P said no just not possible. So a new option was a pulmonary balloon in the valve to open the valve up could be a good possibility. The cardiologist did a good job of explaining and answering all our questions. But both Paul and I  agreed that we wanted to talk to the surgeons involved before making a decision. While the procedure is less invassive and it could get us through to the Glenn. We just not sure that it's the best option for Shea. This weekend we will be learning lots and making a decision soon.

I need to be very truthful here for a minute. We keep talking about how great Shea is doing and that is correct. We are also being very hope filled and having faith that Shea will continue to be great. But I need you to know that this is because of the medicines he is on. Without them, we would be in a very serious situation. They are keeping his ductus open to keep the blood flow going and no this is not a long term solution. This can only happen for awhile and he can't go home on this medicine either. The other medicine he is on is caffeine to remind him to keeping breathing. Just like his momma he needs some every day.

Our nurse Michelle got me a hall pass!!  Literally a hall pass that allowed me to go outside! We went to Panera and got me some coffee and sat outside on this sweet little courtyard at Levine's. It was great to see the sky, feel the air, and smell different things for awhile. Although I did not enjoy the cigar some one was smoking!  It was almost time for 5 pm feeding and we wanted to be there. My family had been able to spend some time during the day with Shea so they headed home.

Y'all, Shea sucked down 14ml!  What were we worried about?! Paul took some seriously heart warming pictures of Shea and I. Shea is so focused on my face and we had some major eye contact. At one point I was clucking at him and I swear he mimicked it! I was able to pump over 20ml for his next feeding and then we got a happy surprise. Our friends came up and had dinner with us. At Panera...I know not super exciting. But I loved seeing them. And Shea was super excited to see his Aunt Emma again and meet his Uncle Shawn. The boys went back first and as far as I can tell enjoyed their time.

When we went back I got to feed Shea again!  Paul is spoiling me by letting me do the feedings, we were trying to switch back and forth. I did however get to change my first poppy diaper. It was so small.  Lol but they count it!  Shea sucked his 20 ml down in less than 5 min...even the nurse Haley was surprised!!   Then Shea decided he needed to see Aunt Emma's face.  It wasn't for long but oh friends, his fluttering eyes at her made my heart smile.

Tonight Shea was a little jaundiced. Which is super normal for every baby!  They will for sure be watching him and may do labs in am just to make sure everything is okay but the fact that he is eating, peeing and pooping means that it's probably on its way out! :)

Family, Friends, and readers...we are so thankful to have you. I am continually amazed at how much support you give us. If I don't tell you personally please know we appreciate you!!  So as 6am is here here is your morning read!

Picture for today is Paul and his little lion king...this picture is one of my faves!!

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