Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 4: Pumping day (4/29)

I am actually starting this blog way earlier like 6:45 p.m. instead of the wee hours of the day. This morning started out a little rough. After I posted my blog I was unable to move my bed back, so I couldn't  go back to sleep. So I was awake at 7:30 when it was time to go down for 8 a.m. feeding. This momma was rough. I was tired I was cranky, I was hungry, and I could not move fast enough.

However once we got down there, our nurse Jenny said "Where do you want to sit to feed him?" My eyes shot open! What?! I was going to be able to hold my baby to feed him?! This is by far my favorite nurse! Just kidding, just kidding!! We have loved all of our nurses that we have had in NICU!  We couldn't have asked for a better group of people to help us take care of Shea!!!  But right now Jenny might be my favorite for letting us hold him. She also has him swaddled and he looked so cute.  He was just a little bundle where we didn't feel overwhelmed by all the wires and having to stress out about his umbilical line.  She got me all set up sitting in a chair and placed Shea  in my arms.  It was the most amazing thing ever. He ate all 20 ml for me  except 1.5 milliliters. Jenny was able to get him to eat the last little bit.  I was able to snuggle with him and cuddle with him even after the feeding. When I started to get super tired and feeling like I was going to nod off we got  another nurse, Calli, to put him back in his isolate.

We were heading abut but our resident Keerti wanted us to be there for rounds.   All good reports. They increased feedings to 30 that's an ounce!! They hadn't physically seen Shea yet but said they would watch his jaundiced. No one is worried because his levels were low to start with.

Back in the room I pumped and ate at the same time. Then I took a two hour nap. AMAZING!  I felt tons better.  Paul had gone down to NICU while I napped. He was able to hold Shea and even fed him at the 11am feeding. I am sorry we don't have pictures of that.  Then I ate and pumped again around 12. Hey look I can multi task!!  My parents and brother came in around this time and my mom and brother went to down to see Shea.

I chilled in bed and hung out with my dad and Shea. My dad and Paul switched places with mom and Josh.  My brother worked on our photos and is a huge reason...actually THE reason, why we were able to post pictures yesterday. He goes home on Sunday and I don't know what we will do with him!!  Thank you Josh!  My mom helped me shower. It's not so much a hard task. Mainly making sure that I don't fall. Even though, I mostly sit in the chair. I do try to stand at end for a bit.

Paul and Dad got kicked out for an admission so they didn't get to do feeding but Paul was able to help me get dressed. I was excited about wearing clean clothes!!  But guess was time to pump again. So off we went!  My brother headed down to spend some one on one time with Shea and my dad went to fill my prescribition. I was also discharged during this time period. But the hospital has a wonderful policy and I was able to board here for the night. No cost to us. Down side, no meals, no nursing care and no meds....listen I am so close to my son, it just made sense to be here one more night. 

My brother came back about 3:30 because they were starting Shea's PICC line. We had talked with Jenny abut this in am and signed consent. This is an iv line that goes in his leg and is placed right above his heart. While it is procedure, it's done bedside in a servile environment. It's a longer term option for everything iv medicines and fluids than the umbilical cord iv. It took about an hour and half. Jenny called us when they were done and ready for feeding.

My parents were awesome and picked us up some Italian takeout. I got to hold and feed Shea for his dinner. Then Paul and I enjoyed a "date night" in the family waiting room!  Since NICU was still closed, I decided to try out the pumping room instead of going all the way up...but we forgot to grab the up to the room went. When I was done pumping, Paul sat in bed with me.

He had done this earlier in the day and it felt great to have him next to me. Seriously, no one told me that moms needed "skin to skin" with dads afterwards!  Just sitting in bed watching tv, the act just made me instantly relax...I didn't even know I needed it. We said goodbye to my nurse Jessica. We had only had her today but we instantly connected with her. Then it was time to see our baby!!

New nurse tonight, and while we had our hesitations at first (honestly she is great! I think because she didn't know a thing about us, she felt like we had to go through her "tests")  By the end of the feeding session and pumping session, we felt super comfortable with us. She had come in to talk to us while I pumped and just doing that, really helped us all connect. And yall, I don't know how she did it, but she convinced Paul it was good for him to get sleep too!:)  he has been working so hard to take care of me and Shea, he has not taken the best care of himself. Aka the man needs more sleep!

Paul got to hold and feed Shea during this session. It was great. I got to watch the men that hold my heart, take pictures and take a little rest. No sleep. Just breathing a bit easier. Once I finished pumping, we came upstairs and got ready for bed. The only times we would get up during the night were to pump, clean supplies and fill up my water cup.

Oh my goodness...I am going to be able to post this blog before many of you wake up!!  So proud of myself, hahaha such a silly accomplishment, but hey being a mom means celebrating the small victories right?!:)

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