Thursday, April 21, 2016

Last Dr's Visit (4/19)

Yesterday we went to our last doctor's appointment!  Yup friends that is right....we have an induction date set!  But I am getting ahead of myself...let me back up.

Last week, I was a little thinned out but not dilated at all, even after my fall, nothing was going on.  I was disappointed because while I know Shea is super safe right now and he is growing....I want him out!  I am sure every woman feels this way at 39 weeks, but the unknown of Shea's health is making me super anxious.  I want him out, so we can start loving on him and the doctors can start making him healthier.  I know he will never be "normal" heart wise, but they can start working on making his heart more functional for life!  

So this week we are 50% effaced and 1/2-1cm dilated.  He said he would give us 1 cm, because he was able to touch Shea's head.  This little boy is definitely making his way down south.  I have heard many a story about baby's becoming breached late in pregnancy, so I asked was it still a possibility, and our dr told us not really.  He is so far down.  I also asked about his weight.  I had been having a conversation with a co-worker about 8-10 lbs baby.  I just don't think I am big enough to have that size baby in me.  The doctor confirmed that Shea was def not that big....but there is no way to really tell until he came out.  And same with length.  So, any guesses on weight and length for baby Shea?!

Let's talk induction!  The doctor originally was talking about next Wed/Thurs (my due date). My awesome husband spoke up about starting earlier in the week to help with surgeons schedule and all the stuff.  We are lucky that the hospital has space for us and our doctor is working that night too!  We will be admitted Monday night with the drug: Cytotec.  This is to help with cervical ripening.  Officially we will start Tuesday with induction.  Sometime that morning I will start Pitocin.  This will help start contractions....wahoo!  I am ready to get this show on the road.  These plans are of course all based on Shea not making his arrival sooner.  Which would be fine with us too!

I am trying to take these last few days to enjoy the "baby exciting" feelings.  I know it will be tough goings once Shea gets here.  But I really want to enjoy the excitement of "My baby is coming!!  I am going to be a mom!!"  Thank you for the prayers, messages, sweet gifts and gestures.  We know you love Shea and us, and it just warms our hearts to know we are not in this alone!  

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