Sunday, April 3, 2016

The BT Shunt

We have been doing lots of prep for Shea's arrival: nursery organization, buying last minute items, hospital bag packing (-ish...Paul and Sheas are done..mine is WIP!), car seat installing, oh and yeah preparing for his first surgery. (I also should mention I've been reviewing stuff about labor and delivery since I have to do all that before we even get to meet our little man!) 

So his first open heart surgery could happen within the first week of life. We also could be discharged and then be back in a few weeks to have the surgery. Only Shea's little heart and lungs will tell us that once he is born and we see how he reacts to the world!   The surgery is called Blalock-Taussig shubt, BT shunt for short.  

Here is a little video to explain why we will need it.  For more in depth information: here

People have asked how I'm doing, which is a totally normal question to ask a 37 week pregnant lady.  I'm doing well, ya know, minus the massive heart burn, acid reflex, zero bladder control, and the unability to walk up and down the hallways or climb stairs like I used to!

And then of course, I'm also wondering 'oh do they mean mentally/emotionally?!'  Because in that area I have no answer. Most days I'm okay, seriously, I am. But it's also because I think I have compartmentalized it too. I am focusing on my sweet kiddos at school and the pregnancy. Of course I slip into the scary part and the anxiety just gets the better of me. 

Tomorrow we start our babymoon/staycation/3rd wedding anniversary. I'm definitely looking forward to it. But I'm wondering if maybe I packed too much in? Sure hope not. This girl has a field trip Monday!  Luckily, Paul is going with me and if Shea should start to make his arrival, we will be ready to roll! I'm not thinking he is going to be an early baby, but we know all babies come on their own time. :)

Now this momma to be needs some peace out!

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