Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Strength in numbers

Our fertility center offers a support group once a month. I'm going to be honest when we first started going to our center, I thought "hey we know the problem and have fixed the issue, I don't need a support group"  well several months later, 2 rounds with no implantation,  I found myself craving this support group!  In fact I was really upset that I could only find two support groups in Charlotte, and only meeting once a month each.

And yet tonight I wanted to not go.  I was being cowardly. I was nervous about the other people, I was nervous about sharing my story (crazy right?) And I was really nervous I was going to cry the entire time and look like that girl!

Well I cried on my way there, and I did cry in therapy. But unexpectedly I laughed too!  I met some great people there, we are all in different places in this journey and were able to support each other or give advice. One thing we talked about was what to say to people who are asking "When you going to get pregnant?"  This is hard, because some of us are more blunt than others and some people just can't take a hint.

We used to tell people "we are working on it." But people didn't stop asking. That's one of the many blessings about this blog..people don't ask anymore. But not everyone is going to start a blog and be as open as we are. So another idea was to share your story with one or a few people and have then tell everyone else. For those of us working in a place where everyone asks this really works. But even talking to family is hard. We are blessed to have a supportive family and we do have family "reps" who spread the word to other family members.

All in all, I'm really glad I went to group and hope that I am able to connect with these women. They are helping me already and I hope that I can help them!

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