Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sleepless night

I know there is nothing I can do, but I'm so anxious about our first blood test tomorrow. I'm either pregnant right now, or I am not, I get that. Tomorrow is just a blood test to see where our numbers are. This time around I'm way more nervous.

I think for me it's because if we aren't pregnant I will have a harder time grieving. We are leaving town for 10 days!  I will be with my my inlaws, brother in law, sister in law and niece and nephew the whole time. It's not that I don't want to see them (Love you all!)  It's just that the last time I had a few days to grieve with Paul and then had a constant 24 kiddos pulling me all directions at school. So this time around, I will need to pull it together faster. I'm hoping that my niece and nephew will keep me occupied. Who am I kidding they are 5 and half...I will be super busy!!  :)

So as we enter the next few hours please continue to pray for us. Pray for good news, pray for support, pray for comfort and grace. Pray for it all!!

Tomorrow we will have the blood test at 7 am and find out the results hopefully before noon. We will be telling immediate family at that point, because let's be honest, I'm not going to be able to hide the news all week. If our numbers are in a certain range, I will have another blood test Monday. At this point we are hoping the numbers are doubling. And then another one on Wednesday. Again looking for increasing, doubling numbers. At that point, if everything looks good we will schedule an ultrasound for the end of July. Then my dear friends you will know. So just assume no news is good news:)  unless I am secret posting like last time...but you just won't know until you know ;)
Love you and I thank you so much for all your support during this crazy time of our I have to find the tissues because these drugs make me cry at everything! 

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