Sunday, July 19, 2015

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

When you are living this crazy journey of infertility you feel like all around you are pregnant women and babies! It can be infuriating, frustrating, make you weepy, and every once in awhile it makes you happy!  Every kiddo Paul and I see under the age of 5 is so cute, adorable and when appropriate we want to hold and play with them!  

Last weekend we were able to visit our friends in Delaware with their 24 hour old newborn!  I'm not going to lie, it was tough to make the decision to go see them.  Not because we don't love them or didn't want to support them, but have a sweet baby, and us not even pregnant!  But it was the right decision and we both really enjoyed going!  Paul did wonderful and so did the baby....everyone survived :)  

This time around, I feel God working on me, where as last time....well let's just say I wasn't hopeful or rooting for us. This past week I took the kiddos I nanny to swim practice.  While there I usually read a book, make phone calls, work on my tan, etc.  There is a woman giving swim lessons to younger kiddos and thats fun to watch!  So there was a sweet family of mom, 3/4 year old girl getting swim lesson, and a toddler who with his baby brother sat with mom at the table next to me.  We had talked a bit, about silly things and oh that baby...I just wanted to pinch his chubby cheeks!  When the swim lesson was over, the toddler was having a tough time leaving, not sure what it was about.  I never want to seem intrusive so I usually stay out of the toddler tantrums unless I personally know the kiddo and family.  But holding a baby, swim bag, huge police car and trying to get a screaming toddler off the cement, the mom just seemed in need of help!  So I just casually turned around and asked the simple question "Can I help you?"  I could feel the mom's tension just roll off.  She said "Yes can you just hold him for a minute?" This woman trusted me with her baby....just handed him over to me.   Oh it was wonderful!  Love sweet baby cuddles.  Maybe it was the fact that it was her 3rd kiddo, or that she needed the help super bad, or maybe the Lord just said "She can be trusted."  Whatever it was, I knew God had my back!

Then last night we were at Paul's coworkers guessed it..another baby was there!  Here is the difference, while i wanted to hold the baby, Paul is dying to hold him!  At one point Paul told his co-worker "I am going to steal your baby if that's okay?"  It really wasn't a questions, but he waited for an answer.  Paul did wonderful with him.  It made my heart so incredibly happy to see him holding, playing and being silly with that little one.   I was able to hold and play with him worries I got my baby cuddles in!

I am becoming more immune to the pregnancies around me.  It's been hard, but I think I can handle the announcements and photos much better now than 6 months and a year ago.  Now for those can I fault them?  They are so precious.  Just don't be surprised if I ask to hold, borrow or love on your baby!  


  1. A lovely post, Mackenzie and Paul. ML from jlgs & des

  2. Thinking and praying for you!! I almost gave up on that third round and bang it worked!! if u need hope pop by my page and check out my Ivf babes :)
