Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tough week

I would be in the wrong if I didn't recognize that while our journey has definitely had its sad moments, we have others in our life struggling with much bigger heartbreaks! 

Paul's neighbor from Delaware suddenly died earlier this week. We were both in shock by this news. John had been there when we met and started our relationship 6 years ago. he provided lots of entertainment and laughs throughout the years.

Then my co-worker's 19 year old daughter was killed in a car accident. I have been hearing stories about Emily on and off for the past 8 years and this summer I finally met her and even spent some time with her. She was an amazing, beautiful person inside and out!  She loved working with children and was a great person to talk too. I know she will forever be missed by all who met her. If you feel i clined to help to this sweet family here is the link:

Our prayers for both families are more than daily, we can not imagine how the parents feel but know that God is wrapping them in His arms and loving them through this awful times.

We do have a new plan in place for ourselves and will be sharing that in our next blog post. Thank you for continuing to follow us in this journey.

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