Monday, June 22, 2015

Oh the Oil!!!

The first time around with all the meds it was hard to tell which ones were making me feel what.  This time around I was on the estrogen patches for a while and I didn't feel too many side effects.  But since being on the progesterone oil....whoa baby!

The biggest side effects I have been experiencing are tearfulness (it doesn't take much), overheating (I need a cool pillow, or fan or something at night) and a touch of paranoia.Although in talking to my trusted advisers, (true friends who love me even when I'm insane), so far most of my paranoia isn't completely unjustified.  Which is really comforting...seriously! 

The good news is that the shots are going really well.  The only welt I have had so far is because we forgot to heat the oil first.  I know I know, I just wrote about those steps!  But another side effect is mush brain, and yes I have it.  I am having to write down things that I should be able to remember and hold on to.  If I get pregnant, I know this will be a common forgive me now

Tomorrow is T-day.  We will be transferring two embryos tomorrow.  So far my uterus lining has been measuring great!  On Sunday I had blood work and my progesterone levels weren't as high as they wanted, so we upped the dosage of the oil.  Here's to hoping for sticky uterus!!

1 comment:

  1. Go embryos go!! Praying for this attempt and for a sticky uterus <3
