Saturday, June 20, 2015

...They're Back....

Before I even get into this post...I hope my grammar friends are so proud of me for using the right "they're" If you don't know someone who is a grammar fiend, I have plenty to spare!  :) 

On Thursday night we jumped right back in the saddle with the progesterone oil shots...which happen to go in my butt.  If you are just joining us on this journey, these shots are not so much fun.  We have learned through practice that icing the cheek for at least 20 minutes, heating oil with heating pad and then heating after applied really does help.  DON'T try to be the brave woman here...thats what natural childbirth is all about!  If you don't do these things we have found that huge welts and massive uncomfortabliness in any sitting situation occur.  And I don't care you who one needs a hero in infertility meds! Another reason I don't love this med, besides the pain, is the crazy it makes me feel.  I have been on the estrogen patches for several weeks and have only noticed a small difference. But these shots....this is all I have to say:
I am super lucky to have the husband I do.  He continues to say the sweetest things to others about all I am enduring.  We had a conversation with one of our Pastor's today.  And while granted I was already teary-eyed and emotional, Paul just starts talking about all I have been going through and that out of anyone I deserve to have a baby. I just started bawling.  I love him for saying that. But I truly believe that anyone who wants a baby should be able to have one, if that means adoption, getting pregnant "the normal way", using a surrogate, using donor sperm/egg/embryo, etc!  I am no more special than anyone else out there.  This is something I, and Paul, really want.  No question in my mind that I wouldn't do these shots, meds, heartbreak, etc to end up with a baby or two :) Although I wouldn't lie to you...I have threatened giving him a shot or two in this last round!

And just so you know that this post is brought to you by ecards:

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