Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Wild man update

Just a little update to keep you in the loop. We have been struggling some with feeding the past week or so. He will gain some, lose some, then gain weight again. But overall he isn't gaining as much as they would like. It's not like we can bribe him with a cookie, which at this point, I would totally consider! 

We have had lots of things happening over here. Our dear friend and neighbor will be his early childhood interventionist and will be coming over Thursday am to do her assessment. Hopefully we can have our official meeting before we head into the hospital.

Today Shea has been super tired, screaming and eating bits at a time, and then 100ml at a time. Really wanting to be held or see someone at all times. After talking to our nurse, head nurse and nurse navigator at Sanger, we are going to go see our pedatrician tomorrow morning. All heart and breathing things are in his normal range. But he is definitely  not 100% himself. Praying tonight goes well as Daddy is at work and our nurse is leaving soon.

Please continue to pray for our Wild Man!  And maybe a few prayers for me too...as all parents know, it's hard to see your child suffering and not know what to do for them.

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