Thursday, September 22, 2016

Consultation for Cath

Yesterday was a big day for us!  We had to be at Levine's at 8:30am for our consultation with Dr. P.  We were able to see Dr. Maxey, the surgeon, on our way in.  We just love that man!!  We met with Curtis first. He is Dr. P's  nurse practitioner.  He went through everything with us.  Here are the highlights:

  • We need to check in at Levine Children's hospital at 5:30AM. (goodness!)
  • The last time Shea can have breastmilk is no later than 3:30am (which means I need to wake up at 3 and nurse him.)
  • The procedure will take 3-4 hours in all.  
  • We will wait on the 5th floor like we did for his BT shunt surgery.  
  • We will stay overnight on the 8th floor (Progressive care)
In terms of what they will be doing in there:
  • Reading Shea's oxygen numbers from inside the heart (super cool!)
  • Seeing how the ASD (hole between the top two chambers) is doing.  They think it may be constricted.
  • Seeing how the VSD (hole between the bottom two chambers) is doing.  We know from listening to his heart and from the echo three weeks that this is more constricted.
  • Checking out the flow in the BT shunt.  3 weeks ago the echo showed that there was some constriction.
Sounds like alot of constriction in there right?  Yeah...if all three of those are constricted...then the heart can't pump blood to the body. There will be no flow.  There are some things that Dr. P could do but after talking to Dr. Maxey, they have decided not to do them.  Dr. Maxey can take care of that during our 2nd open heart surgery (the Glenn)

We have no idea when the Glenn will be.  Could be next week or next month.  Trust me, we will keep you in the loop.  As we are ready to share we will post updates and information on the Sweet Baby Shea page and here.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

It's been a week of milestones for Shea!  He found his toes, like for real!  Reaching for them and ever so often grabbing them.  It's hard for him to actually get them because his hamstrings are so tight.  But he is getting better at it.  Then today..he rolled!!!!!  Not the whole way, but he rolled from back to his left side!! I was so happy that not only did I get to see it, but I also captured it on too!  

Shea has also discovered his sister puppies!  Over the weekend he would do a hearty chuckle when Brayleigh barked.  The past two days he has reached out for Bella and even grabbed her fur.  Both girls are doing well and loving the praise they get for being gentle with him.  Bella loves to lick him everywhere as well.  It's super fun to watch.  I will try to get pictures next week!

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